1. Buying
  2. Finding a startup

How to acquire multiple startups at once

A guide to buying several businesses using the same email address but multiple buyer accounts.

Last updated: October 12th, 2023

As a Premium or Platinum buyer, you can acquire multiple startups at once and keep track of them under My deals. Watch the video below to see where you find multiple in-process deals. 

1. After requesting access to multiple startups, they’ll initially appear under the Evaluating tab to the left of your screen. 

multiple buyer 1.0 arrow

2. Once you start making offers for these businesses, they’ll move to the Active tab to the left of your screen. 

multiple buyer 1.1 arrow

3. From there, you can keep track of all your startups from that first letter of intent (LOI) all the way to escrow and closing. 

multiple buyer 1.3

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