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  2. Escrow & closing

Can I close my acquisition off-platform?

Learn why it's always safer to close your acquisition on Acquire.com.

Last updated: January 26th, 2024

You might be tempted to move your acquisition off-platform after a finding a buyer. Maybe you're unsure how to use our closing tools or whether we can handle your acquisition. Perhaps your buyer even suggested going off-platform themselves. 

While it might seem like a simpler option, there are very few legitimate reasons to move your acquisition off-platform. One, you still need to pay the closing fee, so you don't gain anything financially. And two, you lose all our acquisition protections, risking your assets. 

Why moving off-platform is risky

One of the reasons we built Acquire.com was to create a fair and transparent acquisition process with built-in safety measures protecting you from fraud.  

Think of the platform as a sandbox. Every conversation, every document, and every on-platform action leaves an audit trail you can refer to later. Our Escrow.com integration pulls your APA details through, saving you time and ensuring your deal closes as expected.

Our fair legal wordings means no one can exploit you with terms favoring one side. Our guided acquisition process ensures no last-minute and unexplained changes in your APA. And by using Escrow.com or one of our other trusted partners, you can close safely

If you don't think Escrow.com is the right service for your acquisition, email support@acquire.com. We'll arrange another trusted escrow service for free so you can enjoy peace of mind while closing your acquisition.

When you move off-platform, you lose all these safety measures. You're at the mercy of unscrupulous people who may try to defraud you of your assets without paying you. 

How we protect your acquisition

You only deal with vetted, verified, and qualified buyers

Every buyer must verify their ID and available acquisition funds. We also ask them to complete a profile that lists their background, experience, and acquisition criteria and connect their LinkedIn profile. By the time you chat, you can be confident the person is legitimate and have the information readily available to vet them. 

Your conversations are recorded for referring to later

Disputes are rare on Acquire.com, but when they happen, you can refer to your chat history as evidence to support your case. No one can say, "Oh I never got your message." We also recommend following up every phone conversation with a written summary just so you're both clear on next steps (this also helps your acquisition move faster). 

Escrow makes it virtually impossible to steal your assets

Your biggest fear is likely not getting paid for your assets. With our trusted escrow partners, you don't send your assets to the buyer until the escrow provider has received and verified the buyer's funds. This way, the escrow service ensures both you and the buyer fulfil your ends of the deal. Once the buyer approves your assets, escrow releases their funds to you.

You sign balanced legal wordings that are fair to both of you

Unless you're a lawyer, the legal documents that close your acquisition can feel dense and impenetrable. It's not unheard of for more legally-minded folk to use acquisition documents to exploit the other party. Not cool. But if you use our legal document builders, you and the buyer enjoy balanced wordings that offer equal protections and guarantees.

Is it okay to share private contact details?

We understand that you might need to share private contact details with your buyer. Maybe you need to get on a call or want to CC an important document to their email address. Just be super careful and keep such incidents to a minimum. When you share private contact details, we'll remind you of the dangers of going off-platform in chat. Just in case. 

Still need help?

Please search the help desk again or contact support at support@acquire.com.